Our group



In 1995, a group of professors and researchers from what is now called the Department of Urbanism, Territory and Landscape (DUTP) of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) received, from the Generalitat of Catalonia, the consideration of the Consolidated Research Group, mention which has been renewed since then. 

The members of the GRU have been working together on teaching, research, and transfer projects for more than three decades. They have promoted the Official Master Programs (today called MBArch, Urbanism line) and the Doctorate in Urbanism (which has the Mention of Excellence since its creation), and others of an international nature, such as the European Master of Urbanism (2005) and the Architecture del Paisatge (1982).

In recent years, we have reorganized the GRU's tasks according to six lines of research. Each of these generally has two people in charge, while the group of professors normally participates in more than one line, thus enriching the joint task and the transversality between the different investigations. Doctoral students, and fundamentally, scholarship holders in training (with scholarships from FI-Agaur, FPI-UPC, FPU-Ministry, or others), are considered collaborators of the GRU, actively participating in research tasks.  

The long joint experience of the members in shared teaching and research tasks is the main guarantee of group coherence. Likewise, the lines of research linked to the Doctoral Program constitute one of the pillars that give structure to the group.

The task of the members of the research group has been carried out on several occasions jointly with professors and researchers from other universities of the State, European or American, through competitive Spanish or European projects, seeking in this way, a vision not only interdisciplinary, but also international discussion of the issues that affect our cities and territories today. These collaborations are reinforced with the GRU's professors and researchers who now hold important responsibilities in other foreign universities.